首页 文章列表 行业新闻 英文配音校园比赛,外文配音大赛策划案


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The English Dubbing Campus Competition and Foreign Language Dubbing Contest aims to provide a platform for students to showcase their dubbing talent and enhance their language proficiency. These competitions are designed to engage students in the art of dubbing and create a competitive yet educational atmosphere for participants.

1. The Purpose of the Competitions:

The primary purpose of the English Dubbing Campus Competition and Foreign Language Dubbing Contest is to encourage students to improve their language skills while exploring the art of dubbing. By participating in these competitions, students will have the opportunity to enhance their pronunciation, intonation, and overall command of the target language.

2. Competition Format:

The competitions will consist of multiple rounds, allowing participants to showcase their talent in different areas of dubbing. These rounds may include script reading, voice acting, lip-syncing, and character portrayal. Each round will be judged by professionals in the industry who will evaluate participants based on their accuracy, emotion portrayal, and overall performance.

3. Eligibility:

The competitions are open to students from various educational institutions, including schools, colleges, and universities. Participants must have a certain level of proficiency in the target language and possess a passion for dubbing. Students will be divided into different categories based on their language level and experience.

4. Preparatory Work:

Prior to the competition, participants will be provided with scripts and video clips to practice their dubbing skills. They will also have the opportunity to attend workshops and training sessions conducted by industry experts. These preparatory activities will help participants refine their dubbing techniques and gain a deeper understanding of the art form.

5. Benefits for Participants:

Participating in the English Dubbing Campus Competition and Foreign Language Dubbing Contest offers several benefits for students. Firstly, it enables them to develop their linguistic abilities, as they will be required to accurately portray characters in the target language. Secondly, it provides a platform for students to gain exposure to the dubbing industry and potentially open doors to future opportunities. Lastly, it fosters teamwork and collaboration among participants, as they may be required to work in groups for certain rounds of the competition.

6. Judges and Evaluation Criteria:

The competitions will be judged by a panel of experts from the dubbing industry. Judges will evaluate participants based on their pronunciation, intonation, emotion portrayal, lip-syncing accuracy, and overall performance. Scores will be assigned to each participant, and winners will be determined based on their cumulative scores throughout the competition.

7. Prizes and Rewards:

Winners of the English Dubbing Campus Competition and Foreign Language Dubbing Contest will receive a variety of prizes and rewards, including scholarships, internships, and opportunities to collaborate with renowned dubbing studios. These incentives aim to motivate students to give their best performance and recognize their exceptional talent in the field of dubbing.

8. Conclusion:

The English Dubbing Campus Competition and Foreign Language Dubbing Contest provide a unique platform for students to explore and showcase their dubbing skills. By participating in these competitions, students not only enhance their language proficiency but also gain valuable exposure to the dubbing industry. These contests serve as an excellent opportunity for students to develop their talents and pursue a potential career in dubbing.






1. 形式多样:参赛者可以自行选择配音作品的类型,包括电影、电视剧、纪录片、动画片等,以充分展示自己的才华。

2. 选题灵活:比赛不设特定的配音作品,选手可以根据自己的喜好和兴趣选择适合的作品进行配音。

3. 时间限制:每位选手的配音作品时间不得超过5分钟,以保证比赛的公平性。


1. 发音准确:选手的外语发音要准确无误,符合原作的语气和语调。

2. 表达流利:选手的口语表达应流畅自然,能够准确传达原作中的情感和意义。

3. 配音技巧:选手应熟练掌握配音技巧,包括重音、语速、节奏等方面的运用。

4. 形象形态:选手的表情、肢体语言等因素会对配音效果产生影响,应与配音作品相协调。


1. 参赛对象:本次比赛面向所有对外语学习感兴趣的学生开放,不限年级和专业。

2. 奖项设置:设立一、二、三等奖以及优秀奖、人气奖等奖项,以鼓励和奖励优秀选手。

3. 奖品丰厚:奖品包括奖金、证书、学习资料等,同时优胜选手还将获得参加国际配音大赛的机会。


1. 宣传推广:通过线上线下多种媒介宣传,包括校内海报、社交媒体广告、校内电视台宣传等,以吸引更多学生参与。

2. 报名方式:参赛者需通过指定平台进行报名,并提供相关个人信息和配音作品。

3. 初赛筛选:参赛者提交的作品将由专业评委进行初步评审,选出进入决赛的选手。

4. 决赛舞台:决赛将在学校礼堂举行,为选手提供专业的音响设备和舞台效果,并邀请相关专业人士担任评委。


1. 提升外语能力:通过参与配音比赛,学生能够锻炼自己的听力和口语表达能力,提高外语水平。

2. 拓宽视野:比赛为参赛者提供了接触不同文化和语言的机会,拓宽了他们的国际视野。

3. 培养自信:比赛的过程中,学生将面对评委和观众的评判和观看,通过克服紧张和表达自己的能力,培养自信心。














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